Get Fit, Stay Fit: Personalized Online Fitness Coaching for Pain Relief

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Struggling with constant aches and pains?


Are you fed up with those nagging injuries that seem to come out of nowhere? Does it feel like every time you make progress, you’re slammed back down by the familiar sting of pain? You’re not alone. We know how disheartening it is to feel like your body is betraying you, making even simple tasks a challenge.

Our Ideal Clients:

Achievers With Aches


Already Engaged in Fitness:

If you’re someone who regularly participates in fitness activities like running, weightlifting, CrossFit, or other sports but find yourself struggling with discomfort, we’re here to help.


Recurrent Pain or Injuries:

Do you experience ongoing aches or suffer from recurring injuries that hinder your performance and progress? Our specialized programs are designed to address these issues head-on.


Frustration from Setbacks:

We know how frustrating it can be to feel defeated when discomfort or injuries force you to take breaks, causing you to lose the progress you’ve worked hard to achieve.


Fear of Re-injury:

There’s always the worry that pushing too hard might lead to more serious injuries. We provide the guidance needed to train safely and effectively, minimizing the risk of re-injury.


Seeking Professional Support:

You value expert advice to manage discomfort, recover from injuries, and optimize your fitness routine. Our licensed athletic trainers are here to offer personalized support.

Newbies With Nerves


Aspiring to Start a Fitness Journey:

If you’re motivated to begin a fitness regimen but are nervous about potential discomfort or injury, Mission MVMT is the perfect starting point.


Limited Experience:

You might have little to no experience with structured exercise programs and are unsure how to start safely. We provide clear, step-by-step guidance to help you get started.


Previous Negative Experiences:

Perhaps you’ve had bad experiences with discomfort or injuries in the past, making you hesitant to try again. We understand your concerns and are here to support you every step of the way.


Need for Knowledge:

You’re looking for expert advice on how to exercise correctly to avoid discomfort and build a sustainable fitness habit. Our programs are designed to educate and empower you.


Building Confidence:

You seek a supportive and knowledgeable coach who can provide a safe and encouraging environment, helping you gain the confidence to embark on your fitness journey.

No matter which group you identify with, Mission MVMT’s online fitness coaching is designed to help you break free from discomfort and achieve your fitness goals. We’re here to provide the support and expertise you need to live a healthier, happier, and more active life.

Mother and daughter reaching for their toes and smiling.

Imagine a Life Without Pain


Picture this: waking up without that tiresome back pain, being able to enjoy a day out without wincing at every step, or hitting the gym without fearing the next injury setback. At Mission MVMT, we get it. We understand how pain can make you feel defeated, unmotivated, and even question your self-worth.

Why Choose Mission MVMT?

Our online coaching service is crafted for those juggling busy careers, active lives, and relationships, who value their health but are tired of being held hostage by pain. We offer more than just a workout plan. We provide a lifeline to reclaim your life and body.

The Benefits

Experience Lasting Pain Relief

Say goodbye to chronic aches and pains with personalized strategies that address the root causes of your discomfort.

Regain Confidence and Motivation

Feel empowered and motivated to stay active with a plan tailored to your needs and progress.

Enjoy a Balanced, Active Lifestyle

Integrate fitness seamlessly into your busy schedule, enjoying the activities you love without pain holding you back.

Achieve Your Fitness Goals without Fear

Reach new heights in your fitness journey with expert guidance that ensures you move forward safely and confidently.

How Our Online Fitness Coaching Works

Choose Your Plan:

Select Your Coaching Package:  Browse through our flexible and affordable pricing plans to find the one that best fits your needs and budget. Each plan is designed to offer exceptional value and support.

Sign Up with Ease:  Our straightforward sign-up process ensures you can quickly get started on your journey to a healthier, pain-free life.


Meet Your Coach:

Personalized Introduction: Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be paired with one of our licensed athletic trainers. You’ll have an initial consultation to discuss your fitness goals, concerns, and any specific aches or injuries you’re dealing with.

Build a Connection: This session helps establish a strong foundation and trust, ensuring your coach understands your unique needs and can tailor their guidance accordingly.

Start Your Customized Plan:

Tailored Program:  Your coach will create a personalized fitness plan addressing your specific goals and needs.

Clear Instructions: Each exercise includes detailed instructions and video demonstrations.

User-Friendly Platform:  Access workouts, progress tracking, and communication with your coach all in one place.


Achieve Your Fitness Goals:

Ongoing Support: Regular check-ins, progress tracking, and motivational guidance keep you on track.

Plan Adjustments: Your coach will adjust your plan as you progress.

Celebrate Success: Reach your milestones and enjoy a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Meet Your Coaches

Our team is made up of licensed athletic trainers with decades of experience in movement assessment, injury prevention, and corrective exercise. We know how it feels to be sidelined by pain, and we’re here to help you break free from that cycle.

Ian Elwood, Mission MVMT founder and online coach, standing with arms folded.

Ian Elwood

Ian is a Doctor of Athletic Training with over 18 years of experience in the industry. He has helped thousands of Crossfitters, US military members, collegiate, and high school athletes improve function and return to their active lives.

Javier Melgarejo, Mission MVMT director of online coaching standing with arms folded.

Javier Melgarejo

Javier is currently pursuing his Doctorate of athletic Training and has over 14 years of experience as an athletic trainer. He has helped patients in professional football, military, collegiate, high school, and industrial settings to gain freedom from pain and return to their chosen activities.

Real Stories from Real People

I came to Mission MVMT with a few injuries – severe patellar tendonitis, piriformis syndrome, and spinal stenosis.

I went from competing in functional fitness competitions to not being able to walk without pain in my knee. When I suffered a back injury, I was unable to sit or stand for longer than a few minutes for several days. Following that, I had shooting pain and numbness down my leg, foot-drop, and I lost balance and coordination.

I experienced results incredibly fast when working with Mission MVMT. Through daily tailored exercise and strengthening programming, I was feeling great in a short period of time. Through the individual programming provided by Mission MVMT, I saw significant improvement, quickly and I no longer experience pain in my back, glute, hip, or hamstring, and I’m very happy about it.

In both instances, Mission MVMT has got me back to performing and participating in sports and competitions.

Tanner McDnald

Before I started working with Ian and Javier from Mission MVMT I had a lot of pain during squats. It was so frustrating because I never got better. There are so many challenges I faced while training, pain shouldn’t have to be one of them.

Now that I have worked with Mission MVMT I have tools I need to address the cause of my pain. I still have issues from time to time, but the knowledge I gained from working with Ian and Javi allows me to troubleshoot these and keep my training on track.

Working with Mission MVMT is about more than fixing pain or a problem area. It’s an investment in your body and learning how to move better in all aspects of your life.

Katy Boggs

Before working with Mission MVMT, my biggest challenges were stability, flexibility, and mobility. These issues made me feel like a really poor athlete, which was incredibly frustrating.

After starting their program, I experienced a dramatic improvement in my mobility and a significant reduction in back pain. I can now touch my toes and pick up weights again without any discomfort in my back! It’s amazing to see such substantial progress in such a short time.

Mission MVMT is truly awesome! If you’re on the fence about working with them, I highly recommend investing in their excellent program. It’s a proactive way to prevent injuries and improve yourself before you end up spending more money on things like X-rays and MRIs, like I did.

You won’t regret it!

Nikki V.

Don’t Let Pain Control Your Life

How many times have you had to skip activities you love because of pain? How often do you feel frustrated and defeated, thinking, ‘Why can’t my body just cooperate?’ It’s not just about missing workouts; it’s about missing out on quality time with loved ones, feeling disconnected from activities that bring you joy, and the constant worry about the future. It’s time to stop letting pain dictate your choices and start taking back control. With Mission MVMT’s online fitness coaching, you’ll get the support and expertise you need to overcome these obstacles and finally feel like yourself again

Is Online Fitness Coaching Right For Me?

At Mission MVMT, we understand that choosing an online fitness coaching program can come with a lot of questions and uncertainties. Here are some of the most common concerns and how we address them help you decide if our program is the right fit for you.


I want to get in shape but my body aches

Aches and pains can be part of the fitness journey, and is also part of life. But when they get in the way of your fitness goals and long term health it’s a problem. Our strategies

I'm worried that I will hurt myself again

No-one can predict injuries and (bummer) people who have been injured before are more likely to get injured again. But that’s why proper coaching is critical for success. We are here to help guide you to make smart decisions about your training and improve your resiliency against future pain. While we can’t guarantee an injury free life, we will improve your odds of living without pain.

I'm not sure what I should do

This is the most daunting thing for so many people. You shouldn’t need a Doctoral degree to know how to exercise but that’s what it feels like these days. Let us do the heavy lifting for you so you can start… lifting heavy things.

This seems expensive, is it worth the cost?

We understand that cost is a significant consideration. Our online fitness coaching provides exceptional value by offering personalized, expert guidance at a fraction of the cost of traditional in-person training. Plus, consider the long-term benefits of preventing injuries and maintaining an active lifestyle—saving you potential healthcare costs in the future. We offer various pricing plans to fit different budgets, ensuring you get the support you need without breaking the bank.

Will I get personalized attention?

Absolutely. Our licensed athletic trainers work closely with you to develop a personalized fitness plan tailored to your needs and goals.

Can online coaching really help me improve pain or injury?

Yes, our programs are designed to address musculoskeletal pain and recurrent injuries with specialized strategies to help you move better. This is not physical therapy, but can offer some of the same benefits.

How will I stay motivated without in-person support?

Our coaches provide ongoing support and accountability through regular check-ins, progress tracking, and motivational guidance.

How will I stay motivated without in-person support?

Our coaches provide ongoing support and accountability through regular check-ins, progress tracking, and motivational guidance.

Here’s What You Get With Online Coaching:

Personalized Fitness Plan:

Customized workouts tailored to your needs, focusing on pain relief and injury prevention.

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

Recover faster and stronger with specialized rehabilitation programs designed to get you back to your best.

Expert Guidance:

Ongoing support from licensed athletic trainers who understand your struggles and goals.

Progress Tracking

Regular check-ins and adjustments to ensure you’re on track and making progress.

Overcome Pain and Achieve Your Fitness Goals

You’ve taken the first step by recognizing that pain and discomfort shouldn’t control your life. Now, it’s time to take action and transform your fitness journey with Mission MVMT.

Select Your Path to Pain-Free Fitness

4 Week Online Training Package

4-weeks of programming with smart progressions that are aimed to hit your goals without breaking you down. This program is great for you to try our services without a long-term commitment.


More Details

Our 4-week coaching package is the perfect introduction to our personalized fitness approach. Get to know our expert coaches and experience how we can help you achieve your fitness goals while reducing pain.

What’s Included:

  • 1-Hour Live Meeting: Connect with one of our licensed athletic trainers to discuss your goals and challenges.
  • Comprehensive Review: We’ll conduct a thorough assessment of your movement and injury history to tailor your program.
  • Custom Program: Receive a personalized fitness plan designed to help you meet your goals and reduce pain.
  • Weekly Check-ins: Stay on track with regular check-ins and adjustments to ensure continuous progress.
  • Ongoing Support: Enjoy continuous support and guidance from your coach throughout the program, ensuring you stay on track and overcome any obstacles.

8 Week Online Training Package

8-weeks of programming with smart progressions that are aimed to hit your goals without breaking you down. This program is great for you to try our services without a long-term commitment.


More Details

Our 8-week coaching package offers an extended commitment to help you make significant progress toward your pain and fitness goals. Experience the benefits of consistent, personalized coaching and see tangible results.

What’s Included:

  • Monthly 1-Hour Live Meeting: Begin with a comprehensive session with one of our licensed athletic trainers to discuss your goals and challenges.
  • In-Depth Review: We’ll conduct a detailed assessment of your movement and injury history to create a plan that’s tailored to you.
  • Custom Program: Receive a personalized fitness plan designed to help you achieve your goals and reduce pain over the course of eight weeks.
  • Weekly Check-ins: Benefit from regular check-ins every two weeks to track your progress, make adjustments, and keep you motivated.
  • Ongoing Support: Enjoy continuous support and guidance from your coach throughout the program, ensuring you stay on track and overcome any obstacles.

12 Week Online Training Package

12-weeks of programming with smart progressions that are aimed to hit your goals without breaking you down. This program is great for you to try our services without a long-term commitment.


More Details

Our 12-week coaching package is designed for those committed to making a lasting change. With three months of personalized coaching, you’ll build a strong foundation, overcome challenges, and achieve your long-term fitness goals.

What’s Included:

  • 1-Hour Monthly Live Meetings: Begin each month with an in-depth session with one of our licensed athletic trainers to discuss your objectives and any concerns.
  • Comprehensive Assessment: We’ll thoroughly review your movement and injury history to tailor a program that fits your needs.
  • Custom Program: Receive a personalized fitness plan designed to help you reach your long-term goals and reduce pain over the course of twelve weeks.
  • Weekly Check-ins: Stay on track with regular weekly check-ins to monitor your progress, make necessary adjustments, and keep you motivated.
  • Dedicated Support: Benefit from ongoing support and guidance from your coach throughout the program, ensuring you stay focused and overcome any challenges.

Don’t wait another minute. Your journey to a pain-free, active lifestyle starts now. Click the button below to join Mission MVMT’s online fitness coaching program and reclaim control of your body and your life. Every day you wait is another day of missed opportunities and lingering pain. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

Yes, I want to improve my fitness, reduce pain, and build resilience!

4 Week Online Training Package

4-weeks of programming with smart progressions that are aimed to hit your goals without breaking you down. This program is great for you to try our services without a long-term commitment.

8 Week Online Training Package

8-weeks of programming with smart progressions that are aimed to hit your goals without breaking you down. This program is great for you to try our services without a long-term commitment.

12 Week Online Training Package

12-weeks of programming with smart progressions that are aimed to hit your goals without breaking you down. This program is great for you to try our services without a long-term commitment.