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Dead Bug Progressions: Core Stability for Injury Prevention
Dead bug exercise progressions are excellent for core stability and are used in physical therapy and rehab but often overlooked in fitness and athletics. We use them to develop core strength and pelvic positioning in a safe, supported posture. The dead bug...
Building Accessory Programs – Part 6
Building an accessory program is a great idea if your training isn't well balanced or if you have specific goals that aren't being met. This article is the final part of a series all about how to build and implement accessory programs for functional training like...
Unilateral exercises: accessory programming part 5
Functional training programs are intended to make your body move well as a whole, not just as individual parts. Unfortunately many programs still lack movements that are helpful in sport and in life. Adding unilateral exercises into your training with accessory...
Lateral movements: accessory programming part 4
Functional training programs are intended to make your body move well as a whole, not just as individual parts. Unfortunately many programs still lack movements that are helpful in sport and in life. Adding lateral movements into your training with accessory programs...
Horizontal Pulling Movements – accessory programming part 3
Functional fitness programming often has a great deal of pulling movements. Unfortunately programs like Crossfit neglect horizontal pulling in favor of vertical pulling. For this reason, we recommend adding horizontal pulls to your accessory programming. To learn...
Rotation exercises – crossfit accessory programming part 2
Rotation exercises are key to generating power in movements like throwing or swinging and they also play an important role in muscle balance and healthy joint mechanics. Unfortunately, they are often missing from many functional fitness programs like Crossfit. If...
Anti-Rotation Exercises: Accessory Programming Part 1
Crossfit is a constantly varied fitness program that focuses on intense functional movements but it lacks some that may help you stay healthy. This post will help you learn how to program anti-rotation exercises into your accessory programs for Crossfit. Doing this...
The best mobility programs use these elements
Just like a diet needs a caloric deficit to make you lose weight, a mobility program needs certain things in order to help you move better. In this article we will explore the top 5 things that the most effective mobility programs should have to be as effective as...
Banded Ankle Mobilization: Improve your ankle mobility
The Banded Ankle MobilizationBanded ankle mobility mobilizations are simple and effective drills you can use to improve ankle range of motion. Most of us could use more ankle mobility, especially those of us who sit most of the day and then try to train functional...
Thoracic Extension Mobility: The Ultimate How To Post
Thoracic spine extension is a crucial spinal movement that is required for shoulder, neck, and low back health as well as athletic performance. In this article, I will discuss what thoracic mobility is, how to assess thoracic mobility, and what thoracic mobility...
Push Pull Ratio: Prevent Shoulder Injuries
What is a push-pull ratio? The push-pull ratio can help prevent shoulder injuries by helping you maintain a balance in the muscles around the shoulder girdle. It is exactly as it sounds- a ratio between how many pushes you are doing compared to how many pulls you are...
Is Crossfit Dangerous?
Is Crossfit Dangerous? We get asked if Crossfit is dangerous a lot and, as with most things in our world, the answer is... It depends. The truth is that any activity has some degree of risk, no matter what you are doing. It may seem that Crossfit has a higher risk...
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