Infraspinatus Release

Infraspinatus Release

Infraspinatus Release Equipment Needed:  Open Floor, yoga mat, or wall Lacrosse ball or similar mobility tool   Instructions:  While seated on the ground  Using one hand reach across your body and over the opposite shoulder to place a lacrosse ball on the back of your...
Foam Roll Lateral Hip

Foam Roll Lateral Hip

Foam Roll Lateral Hip Foam Roll Lateral Hip Foam rolling the lateral hip is an effective self-myofascial release technique targeting the muscles on the side of your hips, particularly the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor fasciae latae (TFL). These...
SCM Release

SCM Release

SCM Release SCM release Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) release is a targeted self-care technique designed to relieve tension and improve flexibility in the SCM muscles, which run along the sides of the neck. The SCM muscles are responsible for various neck movements,...