Straight Leg Bridge

Straight Leg Bridge

Straight Leg Bridge Straight leg bridge The straight leg bridge is a fundamental exercise that strengthens the posterior chain, particularly the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. By maintaining straight legs during this movement, it targets the core and improves hip...
Toe Touch Series

Toe Touch Series

Toe Touch Series Toe touch series The toe touch series features two variations of the standing toe touch stretch that target different muscle groups for balanced flexibility and mobility. In the toes-elevated version, the calves are fully engaged, creating a...
Plank to Table Top

Plank to Table Top

plank to Table top Equipment Needed Open floor or yoga mat Instructions: Start by lying on the floor, face down Press up into the top of a push-up Make sure your pelvis is tucked and that you are pressing firmly through your shoulders  Lift up one hand and swing the...
Calf Eccentrics

Calf Eccentrics

Calf Eccentrics Calf Raise Eccentrics Calf eccentrics, also known as calf raise eccentrics or calf raise negatives, are an excellent exercise to strengthen the calves while improving ankle stability and mobility. By focusing on the slow, controlled lowering phase of a...
Calf Raises

Calf Raises

Calf Raises calf raises Calf raises are a fundamental exercise designed to strengthen the calves, particularly the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. By lifting onto the balls of your feet, this movement enhances calf strength, ankle stability, and mobility, which are...