World’s Greatest Rock Back

World’s Greatest Rock Back

World’s Greatest Rock Back Equipment Needed Open floor or yoga mat. Instructions: Starting in the top of a push-up bring one knee towards your chest and place the foot next to your hand Drop the back knee to the floor and sink your hips forward and down Rock your...
Pull-Apart With Cervical Movements

Pull-Apart With Cervical Movements

Pull-Apart With Rotation Pull-Apart With BobbleHead Equipment Needed Light resistance band Instructions: Sit or stand and hold the band in front of you with arms straight and either a palm up or palm down grip Pull the band apart with arms at shoulder height, making a...
Lumbar Locked Rotation

Lumbar Locked Rotation

Lumbar Locked Rotation Equipment Needed Open floor or yoga mat Instructions: Kneel on the floor and sit back on your heels Place one hand flat on the floor in front of you  Place the other hand behind your head and lift your elbow to the side Without shifting your...
Upper Body Rolling

Upper Body Rolling

Upper Body Rolling Upper Body Rolling Upper body rolling is a fundamental exercise designed to improve motor control, mobility, and core stability. This exercise involves rolling the body from a supine (lying on the back) to a prone (lying on the stomach) position,...

Glute bridge with band

Glute bridge with band Glute bridge with band The glute bridge with a band is a highly effective exercise that targets the glutes, hamstrings, and core while using a resistance band to intensify muscle engagement. By placing a band around your thighs just above the...