Toe Handshake

Toe Handshake

Toe Handshake Toe handshake The toe handshake is a simple yet effective foot mobility exercise designed to improve flexibility and maintain proper toe alignment. By using your fingers as spacers to passively splay your toes, this drill promotes better foot health and...
Short Foot

Short Foot

Short Foot Equipment Needed Open floor Chair (optional) Instructions: Standing or seated align your lower leg so that your shin is vertical and your knee is directly above your ankle Without gripping the floor with your toes slide the ball of the foot along the floor...
Calf Eccentrics

Calf Eccentrics

Calf Eccentrics Calf Raise Eccentrics Calf eccentrics, also known as calf raise eccentrics or calf raise negatives, are an excellent exercise to strengthen the calves while improving ankle stability and mobility. By focusing on the slow, controlled lowering phase of a...
Calf Raises

Calf Raises

Calf Raises calf raises Calf raises are a fundamental exercise designed to strengthen the calves, particularly the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. By lifting onto the balls of your feet, this movement enhances calf strength, ankle stability, and mobility, which are...
Toe Seesaw

Toe Seesaw

Toe Seesaw toe see saw The toe seesaw is an excellent exercise designed to strengthen the muscles in the feet and lower legs, particularly targeting the toes, calves, and ankle stabilizers. By alternately rocking between the toes and heels, this movement builds...