Straight Leg Bridge Straight leg bridge The straight leg bridge is a fundamental exercise that strengthens the posterior chain, particularly the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. By maintaining straight legs during this movement, it targets the core and improves hip...
Toe Touch Series Toe touch series The toe touch series features two variations of the standing toe touch stretch that target different muscle groups for balanced flexibility and mobility. In the toes-elevated version, the calves are fully engaged, creating a...
Jefferson Curl Jefferson Curl The Jefferson curl is a highly effective exercise that emphasizes flexibility, strength, and mobility in the posterior chain, particularly the hamstrings, lower back, and spine. By holding a weight while slowly bending forward through...
World’s Greatest Rock Back Equipment Needed Open floor or yoga mat. Instructions: Starting in the top of a push-up bring one knee towards your chest and place the foot next to your hand Drop the back knee to the floor and sink your hips forward and down Rock your...