Toe Touch Series

Toe Touch Series

Toe Touch Series Toe touch series The toe touch series features two variations of the standing toe touch stretch that target different muscle groups for balanced flexibility and mobility. In the toes-elevated version, the calves are fully engaged, creating a...
Single Leg Rock Back

Single Leg Rock Back

Single Leg Rock Back Single Leg Rock back The single leg rock back is a valuable exercise that stretches the adductors (groin muscles) and posterior chain while emphasizing unilateral coordination. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts benefit greatly from this movement,...


Table top Table Top The tabletop stretch is a versatile exercise designed to enhance flexibility, strengthen the posterior chain, and improve shoulder mobility. By sitting on the ground with your hands behind you and feet flat, this stretch involves lifting the hips...
Quadruped Rock to Squat

Quadruped Rock to Squat

Quadruped Rock to Squat Equipment Needed Open floor or yoga mat Instructions: Start on all 4s with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under, but slightly wider than your hips  Find a neutral spine position (slight arch in low back) Rock back, maintaining...
Reverse Nordic Curl

Reverse Nordic Curl

Reverse Nordic Curl Reverse Nordic Curl The reverse Nordic curl is a challenging bodyweight exercise that targets the quadriceps, hip flexors, and core, enhancing strength and mobility in the lower body. By kneeling and leaning backward while maintaining a straight...