Bird Dogs

Bird Dogs

Bird Dogs Equipment Needed: Yoga mat or open floor Instructions: On all fours, being with a neutral (slightly arched) spine Without losing your spinal position reach one arm overhead and kick the opposite leg straight back Hold for a 2+ count Return to the starting...

Glute bridge with band

Glute bridge with band Instructions:  Wrap a resistance band around your knees Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat Lift your toes so that only the heel remains on the floor Tilt your pelvis back so that your low back is flat Squeeze your glutes,...
Hollow Hold

Hollow Hold

Hollow Hold Equipment Needed:  Open floor or yoga mat   Instructions:  Lie down flat on your back and contract the abs, pushing the low back into the floor. The arms and legs should be held straight out from the body with hands and toes pointed. Slowly raise...