

Table top Equipment Needed Open floor or yoga mat Instructions: While sitting on the floor place your hands behind you with fingers pointing back Bend your knees so your feet are flat and about hip to shoulder-width apart Engage your shoulders by pulling them together...
3 Way Pull Apart

3 Way Pull Apart

3 Way Pull Apart Equipment Needed Light resistance band Instructions: Sit or stand and hold the band in front of you with arms straight and either a palm up or palm down grip Pull the band apart with arms at shoulder height, making a ‘T’ Return to the starting...
Prone A (Shoulder Extension)

Prone A (Shoulder Extension)

Prone A (Shoulder Extension) Equipment Needed Open floor or yoga mat Instructions: Lie face down with your arms at your side palms down Begin the movement by pulling your shoulder blades back towards your spine As your shoulder blades come back, lift your arms in the...
Plank to Table Top

Plank to Table Top

plank to Table top Equipment Needed Open floor or yoga mat Instructions: Start by lying on the floor, face down Press up into the top of a push-up Make sure your pelvis is tucked and that you are pressing firmly through your shoulders  Lift up one hand and swing the...
Bird Dogs

Bird Dogs

Bird Dogs Equipment Needed: Yoga mat or open floor Instructions: On all fours, being with a neutral (slightly arched) spine Without losing your spinal position reach one arm overhead and kick the opposite leg straight back Hold for a 2+ count Return to the starting...