Reverse Plank

Reverse Plank

Reverse Plank Reverse Plank The reverse plank is an effective exercise that strengthens the entire posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, while actively engaging the shoulders and core muscles. This full-body workout is especially...
Squat with Overhead Reach

Squat with Overhead Reach

Squat with Overhead Reach squat with overhead reach The squat with overhead reach is an excellent exercise that combines lower body mobility and stability with shoulder mobility and core stability. By lowering into a deep squat and reaching your arms overhead, this...

Side Plank

Side Plank Side plank The side plank is a powerful core exercise known for targeting the obliques, glutes, and shoulder stabilizers, making it essential for anyone seeking balanced core strength. This isometric hold challenges your body to maintain lateral stability,...
Toe Touch Series

Toe Touch Series

Toe Touch Series Toe touch series The toe touch series features two variations of the standing toe touch stretch that target different muscle groups for balanced flexibility and mobility. In the toes-elevated version, the calves are fully engaged, creating a...
Quadruped Rock to Squat

Quadruped Rock to Squat

Quadruped Rock to Squat Equipment Needed Open floor or yoga mat Instructions: Start on all 4s with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under, but slightly wider than your hips  Find a neutral spine position (slight arch in low back) Rock back, maintaining...